Thursday, October 31, 2019

Literature Review to prove that Housing the Homeless is Cheaper than Essay

Literature Review to prove that Housing the Homeless is Cheaper than Leaving Them on The Streets - Essay Example However, counties and cities affiliated with a campaign identified as the 100,000 Homes movement have so far succeeded to take 80,000 of the families off the streets. Regional governments and NGOs do most of the job. (, 2014)The money they use is mostly gotten from existing private donations and federal programs, and there is proof that this method saves taxpayer funds. A former prison in Colorado was recently converted into a homeless shelter. This move is not only benefit to the homeless but also to the taxpayer, as well. (, 2014) In southeastern Colorado, the Fort Lyon Correctional Facility had housed prisoners until it was closed down in 2011 due to budget cuts. (Affairs, 2014) It stayed dormant for two years as the lawmakers debated on how the building was to be used (, 2014). They decided on the creation of a $3.9 million project to reopen the Facility as a homeless shelter that would house 200 people majority of who were veterans. Although many conservatives may balk at the cost an urban-focused media outlet, Next City, makes and excellent and valid point. Even when not considering factors such as humane treatment and dignity, it is by far cheaper for taxpayers to shelter homeless people than to leave them out on the streets. Approximately 60% of the homeless people are drug and alcohol addicts while about 30% suf fer from very serious medical conditions. (, 2014)Due to these increased medical conditions it is evident that leaving them in the streets is more dangerous as chances of contracting diseases is higher compared to them being in a shelter. (, 2014) More evidence to support this theory comes from the county of Los Angeles. Researchers concluded a comprehensive evaluation of a years-long campaign to shelter members of Los Angeles’ chronic homeless population dubbed Project 50. (, 2014) The program cost

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Weaknesses and Strengths of Nepolean as a Military Leader Research Paper

Weaknesses and Strengths of Nepolean as a Military Leader - Research Paper Example In this paper, we have made an effort to converge his strengths and weaknesses as a leader of his army and a warrior of repute. While skimming through his speeches, it is clearly revealed that he never tried to find a middle ground as a General and instructed his forces to act suitably even amidst serious crisis. Thus, dominance and bravery are two of the most important features of the force and power which made him a military leader. These characteristics also helped him to rise to fame in most of his military expeditions. The other quality that engraved his name in history and the reason for which he is being idolized often is his incessant ability to work for infinite hours and his rigid will to succeed. These features worked wonders and allowed him to inspire his army while laying siege in foreign nations. In one of his proclamations to the soldiers during the invasion in Italy, he said that the greatest qualities of a soldier are faithfulness and discipline and then comes bravery. The use of such words augments his traits as a warrior and the above-mentioned words as expressed by Napoleon unravel his br avery and daring attitude in full force as he said: â€Å"Soldiers : Behold your colors! These eagles will always be your rallying point†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Swear to sacrifice your lives to defend them, and by your courage to keep them constantly in the path of victory. Swear!†(Napoleon’s Addresses – 1804) As a matter of fact, he displayed his capacity to work for three to four days in a stretch without sleeping or resting. The violent and brutal approach adopted by him was undoubtedly the most appropriate qualities required for envisaging success. Therefore, Napoleon’s envision was victory and he devoted himself fully towards his job as a leader of the army that also enthralled his forces to execute their duties with equal devotion and sincerity. Besides this, his power of organization was marvelous, which can be deciphered from his work and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effects of Music on Plant Growth

Effects of Music on Plant Growth Miguel Cintrà ³n Ryan Cabral Humberto Michel The objective of this experiment is to determine if the different types of music affect the growth of the Euphorbia Miliiplant. If we put three Euphorbia Milii under the same conditions, with three different types of music, then the three plants will grow exactly the same, because we speculate that music does not have any effect on plant growth. We predicted that the three plants will grow to be exactly the same. We might have different results from what we expected as: one plant will grow larger than the other 2, because of its type of music; one plant will grow smaller than the other 2, because of its type of music, etc. Depend of the results this experiment will have an importance, because people will be able to make grow larger or smaller their plants. This is a benefit when it comes to control the growth of your plant. Farmer Chris Beardshaw claims that booming Heavy Metal band Black Sabbath has thoroughly increased the disease resistance of the plants in his greenhouse, though making them shorter. This could mean that music could be used as a method to make crops grow more efficiently. Euphorbia Miliiis a species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaciae, native to Madagascar. Theoretical Framework The scientist of (all science fair they put in there hypothesis that the classic music will help with the growth. Of the plants, at the end, the hypothesis holds true and they observed and conclude that music is able to speed up seed germination and enhance plant growth. Although there may not be an available scientific explanation as to why music is able to enhance plant growth, the results are there for us to take advantage of. Music can be used in plant nurseries to speed-up seed germination and help us grow healthier plants. The scientist of USCB SCIENCE LINE, they observed and conclude that music affects plant growth has been the subject of many, many science fair projects. It seems as though it is uncertain whether music really does have an effect. Sound is a wave traveling through air and it may be possible that changes in air pressure may affect plant growth but also they planted that was difficult to test this because there a lot of variables that need to be controlled i.e. soil composition, water, light, etc. The scientist Dr. Singh (1962) published that when you switch on your radio, the sound wave will create vibration that will then cause your eardrum to vibrate. This pressure energy will be converted to electrical energy for the brain to translate into what you understand it as musical sounds. Dr. Will Warner (2014) published that if the frequency of sound increased, then the growth of plants will increase. He conclude that his hypothesis was incorrect â€Å"the frequency of the sound was increased, and the classical music group grew the shortest†. A scientist that published his report ( said that plants are not intelligent. In fact, they dont have a central nervous system. Music can only affect you if you understand it, and plants cant understand anything and plants have no auditory organs. They cant hear any more than you could hear through your skin if you had no ears. A scientist of ( find out thatwe think that the classical music will help the plant growth and that the rock music will hinder its growth since studies have showed that classical music even concentrates the human brain and is good for you. After one week of experimenting, the following were the results. The one that was in the best condition was the plant that was in the room with classical music. The second best plant was the one in the room with no music and the one that didnt do so good was the one in the room with rock music. DorothyRetallack(1973) penned down her research. For her laboratory experiment in her studies for the degree in music she chose to study the effects of music in plants. After her researchRetallackdiscerned that the genre of music did not have anything to do with the response; it was the kind of instruments used and their resonance that probably made the difference. Her book says that loud frequencies of music played havoc with the health of the plants, resulting in a very slow and stunted growth; even death in some cases. Dr. Matthew DavidFleischacker(2012) hetested the biological effect music would have on plants. The link above shows what was done in the experiment, but basically what they found was a direct relationship between the sound vibrations and the growth of the plant. Joel Sternheimer(1991) studied and investigated the vibrational frequencies of amino acids. Ribosomes plays an important role in the creation of proteins from a variety of twenty amino acids depending on the need of the cell and its organisms. He also conclude When the frequencies are recognized, each of these notes can then be recorded into a sequence, or melody. Sternheiner successfully replicated the recorded melodies for the selected proteins. When these melodies were played, he noticed that it increased the manifestation of the corresponding protein and accelerated the growth of the plant. Sternheiner affirms that tomatoes grew two and a half times larger when his melodies were play. A South Korean scientist Mi-JeongJeong(2007) would play Beethovens Moonlight Sonata to rice plants and he conclude that due to exposure to music, the chemical changes that took place within the plant, could be studied and harnessed in order to throw better light and increase the blossoms of other crops, too. Dr. Don Robertson (1973) he saw thatthe plants showed no reaction at all to country and western music, similarly to those in silent chambers. However, the plants liked the jazz that she played them. He tried an experiment using rock in one chamber, and modern classical music of negative composers  Arnold Schà ¶nberg  and Anton Webern in another. These two scientists Creath and Schwartz (2004) have reported significant effects of music on the germination of seeds when compared to untreated control plants. Similarly, there also have been other reports on the enhancement of physiological conditions of the plants because of exposure to sound and music. It can be concluded that plants enjoy music and they have better effect when exposed to the appropriate style. Dr. Lee. Patrick (2009) he published Silence grew the best and healthiest followed by spoken word (Harry Potter). Classical music (Vivaldi concertos) ended up just under spoken word. Bringing up the rear was a very small and unhealthy plant that was listening to heavy metal and (harsh) world music (Mudvayne and Rammstein). He also concludes, â€Å"From my twenty days of information gathering, I have drawn the conclusion that all music/spoken word affect plant growth negatively. Some plants were affected more negatively than others were. Therefore, I can just repeat an old saying, Silence is golden.† Scientists of ( published that, differentkinds caused different effects. Plants responded best to classical and Indian devotional music. In a controlled environment, plants exposed to these kinds of music had lush and abundant growth and good root development.They observedplants that listened to rock did poorly, showing signs that they were in the dying stage. Plants exposed solely to white noise died quickly. Scientists of (The handy science reported thatplants responded best to Indian classical and devotional music. In a controlled environment, plants exposed to these kinds of music had lush and abundant growth and good root development. Exposure to country music or silence brought about no abnormal growth reaction, while jazz produced growth that is more abundant. With rock music, plants did poorly. Their roots were scrawny and sparse and they seemed to be in a dying stage.Plants exposed solely to white noise died quickly. Scientists and researchers have long studied the effects of music on plant growth. Chronicling how music, from hard rock and boogie-woogie to the most refined classical pieces, may or may not stimulate plants to grow fascinates both the most-educated botanist and youngest science fair participant in elementary school. Whether or not classical music has any effect on urging or retarding plant growth is a hot topic. Also most scientist said thatwhile most mainstream scientists and botanists believe that no irrefutable evidence exists to prove whether classical or any other music stimulates plant growth, some researchers entertain the notion that sound waves may agitate the air around planets just enough to stimulate plant growth. In a question-and-answer section of the Science Centre Singapores Website, one researcher quoted a United Kingdom biologist who suggested that a fan running in place of a loudspeaker blaring music would probably generate the same agitating effect. Some researchers believe that the frequencies of music played to plants need to be kept at or near 5000 Hz in order for it to be beneficial to plant growth or, more important, larger fruit size and more vibrant and fragrant flowers. Also Russian researchers conducted experiments on onion plant roots that received consistent exposure to classical music. The music, composed by classical greats such as Mussorgsky, Chopin, Mozart, Wagner and Schubert, was chosen for its complex, rhythmic accents. The onion listened to the selected classical music six hours a day for 10 days. After 10 days, the onion roots were measured and examined at the cellular level. The scientists in charge of the experiment determined that the plants responded favorably to classical music by growing longer, roots that are more vigorous. Plants that listened to music with lyrics grew even longer roots. A students from the Marshall middle school published thatthe plant that had to listen to music did in fact grow much, more than the plant that did not have to listen to music. The plant that had to listen to music grow about 8cm and the plant that did not listen to music grow 5.5cm which is about 3.5cm less than the plant that had to listen to music and this experiment in fact support our hypothesis. These scientist (NuranEkici,FeruzanDane, LeylaMamedova,IsinMetinand MuradHuseyinov) reported thatstudy effects of strong, complex, rhythmic accent classical Music withsekundaandKvartaintervals. The frequently reprised and opus with rhythmic dynamically changing lyrics which Contain more EXTENSIVEKvintaoktavasepta intervals on mitotic index and root growth were Investigated in onion root tip During germination cells . For This aim, samples music from Wagner, Mozart, Mussorgsky Chopin, Tchaikovsky and Schubert Were Chosen. We found correlation between root elongation and Mitotic Index. Both kinds of music have positive effects on root growth and mitotic divisions in onion root tip cells but rhythmic dynamically changing lyrics affected much better. In This study, light microscopy techniques were used but ultra-structure of root tip cells will be studied with electron microscope in the following study. A scientist from Australia has reported thatevery plant has a mouth, in fact more than one mouth. These mouths are called stomata’s and over a year ago at the University of California in San Diego, United States, scientists discovered a single mechanism that controls plants stomata. There are two cells that make up the stomata and these two cells are connected to the resonant frequency of calcium, when the cells come in close contact with this frequency of calcium they close. However, what these scientists found was if the frequency were change slightly the plants stomata would open again after an hour even if the presence of calcium were still strong. This proved that exposures to high tones, music and bird songs stimulated the plant to vibrate and keep their stomata are open to increase the exchange of gases, therefore increasing growth because plants absorb fertilizer via their stomata. In addition, heincluded whatDorothyRetallackdo, that was held one of the first and most famous experiments performed on the effect of music on plants. Her experiment found that plants grew better under the influence of classical music compared to rock and roll and when jazz music was played some plants would lean towards the speaker and others would lean away. She found these findings whilst she studied her degree in music. She later went onto pen that it was not perhaps the type of music but the instruments played. She also stated that loud frequencies of music had negative effects on plants where the plant sometimes even died. A scientist ofmallstuffs.composted thatwhen the plants were beam with acid rock music, all the plants leaned away from the direction of music. When Mrs.Rattallackrotated the pots 180 degrees, all the plants leaned away in the opposite direction. Plants hate i.e. acid rock music. When the level of rock in the music was reduce, the movement of plants leaning also reduced. For EX : when Spanish tune , La Paloma was played , the leaning was only 10 degree from the vertical, very less than the 60 + degree of rock music . Plants fiddling with music beamed 15 degrees Leaned Towards the source of music. These experiments were done using continuously 25+ days for eighteen plants per chamber. All varieties of plants like squash, seed, flowers, leafy vegetables etc. Methods The materialswe used in this experimentare:ThreelabeledEuphorbiaMiliispecimens, a onehourWaltzplaylist, aonehourReggaetonplaylist,a one hourElectronicaplaylist,a journal fordocumenting, gardening tools,rulers (cm, inch,) to measure the plants, a camera, to take pictures of the experiments stages.To start we will take all threeEuphorbiaMiliispecimens (each already labeled according to their music type) and keep them in a controlled environment out in the sunlight. All plants will be given the same amount ofcare and water, and every day for one hour they will be each put to listen to their respective musicfor one hour, we already have playlists set up for this.Every change will be documented with rulersand cameras. Wewill write down all size and color changes as well as take pictures for demonstration, This process will take from the start of the experiment to approximately two or threeweeks before the Science Fair. References All Science Fair Projects UCSB Science Line Hub Pages Google Documents Kids Love Kits Ehow The Independent SiOWfa12 California State Science Fair 2005 Omg Facts Deerfield Patch Wikipedia (2014) Ecocitizen Australia

Friday, October 25, 2019

Special Education and Inclusion Essay -- essays papers

Special Education and Inclusion Many people seem to look past how learning-disabled students would feel to be placed in a mainstream classroom which includes students without disabilities rather than go to class in a segregated/special education classroom with only other students who also have learning disabilities. There are many researches constantly going on studying the effects of inclusion in classrooms to see if learning-disabled students achieve better in mainstream classes. Students with learning disabilities feel better about themselves when they are included in classes with their peers who don’t have learning disabilities. Some terms regarding inclusion education should be clarified so that a person who is not knowledgeable about special education will have a better understanding. Inclusion and mainstreaming in class rooms can be switched around to mean the same thing. Essentially, these terms mean the process of putting students with special learning needs into â€Å"regular† classes with non-disabled peers. Resource classes, which used in a typical educational setting for learning disabled students, are classes that are for special needs students only. Just like inclusion and mainstreaming, learning disabled and special needs can be used interchangeably. Students with disabilities have educational rights under a special law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which mandates that students with disabilities have a free and appropriate education (Curry School of Education, n/d). The law requires that special needs students should also be placed in the least restrictive environment (LRE) suitable for their needs(Curry School of Education, n/d). The LRE for some students is often the g... ...ed/resource classrooms and express their opinions on this matter. L., Peter and John (1994). Learning Disabilities. Retrieved April 24, 2003, from States different legal requirements such as the IDEA and LRE laws, and percentages of learning-disabled students in mainstream classrooms. Meyer, Luanna (2001, March). International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. Vol.48, Issue 1. Studied different disabilities and inclusion classes. Wolfe, P., & Hall, T. (2003, March) Teaching Exceptional Children Vol. 35, Issue 4. Suggestions to teachers/parents that provides appropriate education for all children. (2001, November 5). Educational Issues Series. Retrieved April 25, 2003, from Definitions and laws for inclusion in education are mentioned here along with different court cases.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

General Economic Indices for the Power Tool Market Essay

In assessing the power tool industries, it can be found that there are several general economic indices which have are important in assessing the viability of the industry. There are four of these which could be assessed for the purpose of the Able Corporation as they pursue their goals with their products. These four general economic indices include housing starts, expenditures for residential construction, expenditures for commercial construction, and expenditures for home repairs and improvement. First, the housing start statistics which have become relevant to the industry â€Å"represent the beginning of the construction of new privately owned single-family homes, townhouses, and multifamily apartment buildings† (Frumkin, 2005, p. 132). Moreover, it excludes infrastructures for housing which fall under mobile homes, group quarters, public housing properties, renovations made to existing houses, and converted housing from non-residential to residential housing (Frumkin, 2005). From the historical data presented from the US Census Bureau, there is an erratic trend that can be seen from the year 2004 to 2008. However, it is apparent that there is a continuous decrease from the year 2005 up to the 2008 leaving the year 2004 as the only exception. The respective values for each year are 1,955,800 for the year 2004; 2,068,300 for the year 2005; 1,800,900 for the year 2006; 1,355,000 for the year 2007; and 905,500 for the year 2008 (â€Å"New Privately Owned,† n. d. ). From the trend shown, it is made apparent that the housing units which have been started are becoming lower every year from the US data. Second, there are also relevant data which are made available for the expenditures which are placed for residential repairs and improvement. This type of data shows the amount of money that has been used for the purpose of improving the residential places for purposes of repairs and improvement. For the year 2003, the data shows that $179,700,000,000 has been spent on the first quarter, $173,200,000,000 has been spent on the second quarter, $187,400,000 has been spent on the third quarter, and $166,700,000,000 has been spent on the fourth quarter (US Census Bureau News, 2008). On the other hand, there are costs of $198,900,000,000 for the first quarter, $192,600,000,000 for the second quarter, $202,100,000,000 for the third quarter, and $200,500,000,000 for the fourth quarter (US Census Bureau News, 2008). For the year 2005, the respective value for the first to fourth quarters are $213,600,000,000 $192,800,000,000, $220,900,000,000 and $235,500,000,000 (US Census Bureau News, 2008). For the year 2006, the values for the respective four quarters are $232,200,000,000, $225,000,000,000, $231,000,000,000, and $226,000,000,000 (US Census Bureau News, 2008). As for the year 2007, the value for the first to the fourth quarter is $230,900,000,000, $227,700,000,000, $213,200,000,000, and $236,600,000,000 (US Census Bureau News, 2008). From these values, it is shown that the expenditures for each quarter and across the years are increasing such that there has been more cost spent for this on the latest years of the historical data. Third, the report of the US Census Bureau also shows that there are also expenditures for residential construction which can be studied from the year 2003 to 2007. For the year 2003, the total expenditure is $705,276,000,000. The succeeding values are: $803,305,000,000 for 2004, $897,989,000,000 for 2005, $937,047,000,000 for the year 2006, and $875,010,000,000 for the year 2007 (â€Å"Construction and housing,† 2009). While the trend shows that here is a constant increase from the year 2003 to the year 2006, there is a sudden plunge for 2007 which can be accounted to several economic factors that prohibit the construction of new residential infrastructures. Fourth, there is also an economic index available for expenditures on nonresidential units, which is also taken from the US Census Bureau. From the year 2003 to 2007, the respective values are $229,335,000,000, $238,478,000,000, $256,644,000,000, $295,715,000,000, and $349,566,000,000 (â€Å"Construction and housing,† 2009). From these data, it can be observed that there is a continuous increase in the amount spent for the purpose of construction nonresidential units. In relation to the power tool market, these economic general indices are considered to be important because of the role it plays in terms of the demand for power tools which are required for construction. The housing start data would dictate how many new power tools may be required together with the amount of expenditures that are seen to be used for improvements and construction of new infrastructures. The fact that power tools are considered to be a necessity for the construction and repair of housing and nonresidential units relates this industry to the construction of housing and nonresidential ones. During cases where there are disparities, it is important to note that these general economic indices will be of great help only when accuracy is present. However, when there are cases where it is difficult to see which of the current findings are accurate, there should be information from other related economic factors that come from the government which could be a reliable source of data. Thus, it can be seen that there are several factors which affect the power tool market considering the economic relations it has with the construction industry. There are several ways through which the economic forecasts for the power tool industry can be obtained in relation to the construction data. References Frumkin, N. (2005). Guide to economic indicators (4th Ed. ). Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe. Newly Privately Owned Housing Units Started. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 23, 2009, from http://www. census. gov/const/startsan. pdf. Section 20: Construction and housing. (2009). Retrieved April 23, 2009, from http://www. census. gov/prod/2008pubs/09statab/construct. pdf. US Census Bureau News. (2008). Expenditures for improvements and repairs of residential properties estimated at $226. 4 Billion in 2007. Retrieved April 23, 2009, from http://www. census. gov/const/c50_curr. pdf.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Nature of Romantic Love in Shakespeare

The Nature of Romantic Love in Shakespeare's As You Like It The Shakespearean comedy As You Like It, discusses the nature of love through the stories of four couples that demonstrate a variety of love situations. All of the couples in As You Like It exhibit some elements of ridiculous Infatuation as well as elements of genuine connection in their relationships. This makes it possible to view love on all accounts as either genuine or ridiculous. The reader Is able to decide how they would Ilke to view the love stories In the play.In particular, the relationship between Silvius and Phoebe demonstrates the options that the reader has in viewing the nature of love in As You Like It. Silvius goes through a transformation of character, subtle as It may be. In the beginning, he is pining over Phoebe and seems to believe that his enduring the pain of her rejection Is a reality of love. He acts desperately to try to win her over and forgets to respect himself in the process, When Phoebe has p rofessed her love for Ganymede over him, he expresses that love is made of â€Å"sighs and tears† (V, ‘i, 88).Proving his foolish confusion of angst and infatuation with genuine love. But In his next sentence he says love is about â€Å"faith and service† (V, it, 93). So while Silvius has some very misguided thoughts about love, he seems to have some real understanding of what it Is. His true dedication and understanding of his emotions seems to suggest that he may be able to have a successful relationship, but he is certainly toeing the line of belief and delusion by refusing to let Phoebe go. Phoebe presents a slightly more interesting transition than her partner.Phoebe adamantly efuses a well-suited prospect for no apparent reason. Silvius Is clearly passionate about Phoebe. He is persistent and unrelenting; he does not doubt his own love. However, Phoebe loves Ganymede and has to deal with the disappointment of not being able to marry him. Through this, she m ay be able to relate to Silvius, whom had to accept the constant disappointments she gave him. When the truth about Ganymede becomes apparent to her, she tells Silvius â€Å"thy faith my fancy to thee doth combine† (V, iv, 155).She seems to change her perspective and begin to view Silvius' ersistence as commitment rather than desperation. The main problem with their relationship is that Phoebe would not have him, but In the end she does (even if she was tricked into D. So with that challenge surpassed, maybe they can begin to develop a healthy relationship. Although Silvius begins as a desperate character who cannot make a rational decision of self-preservation to stop loving the girl who will not have him. Phoebe has no reason to refuse Silvius, but one may speculate that she does it to feel more powerful.She emotionally abuses Silvius, but is it possible that she changes when she realizes how foolish she was to fall for Ganymede. This caused her to change her views on love and accept Silvius's commitment. Ridiculousness is not difficult to find in Silvius and Phoebe's relationship. On the other hand, it can be argued the couple has something genuine at the foundation of their connection, so they may be able to have a successful marriage. Silvius and Phoebe's relationship is a great example of a t Of2 situation In wnlcn tne reader or aualence.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Shipping Duty Rate Essays

Shipping Duty Rate Essays Shipping Duty Rate Essay Shipping Duty Rate Essay Orleans, the window units will be distributed to the target markets, where a duty and drawback will be applied. Because the gadget came from the European Union (ELI) to the US and then back to the 3 EX. countries, the dutiable value is only assessed to the total assembly cost minus gadget cost at the 3 EX. distribution sites. For this option, the total assembly cost was $91. 48, and the gadget cost was $25, creating a dutiable value of $66. 48. The duty applied from the US to the EX. is 10%, and 18% to Istanbul. The duty is calculated using the formula shown above with the T/ rate added on. The duty drawback is 99% of the original duty rate (gadgets imported from Brussels to New Orleans), then multiplied by the demand to have the total drawback cost for each location. Option 2: Assembly in Istanbul, Turkey The option to produce the window units in Istanbul, Turkey requires gadgets and gadgets to be imported. Because the gadgets and gadgets are entering the Turkeys FUTZ, there is no import duty applied to the products. After the window units are assembled, an import duty will only be applied to the goods sent to the countries within the EX. (Spain/Portugal, Italy, and France). The import duty is applied to those countries because they lie in a different zone than the production site in Turkey. Even though the EX. is a FUTZ, only transactions made within that zone are beneficiaries of the rule. The duty rate for imports entering the EX. is 10%. In this option, the dutiable value is the total assembled cost of $82. 72. Option 3: Assembly in Saratoga, Spain The option to produce the window units in Saratoga, Spain requires gadgets and gadgets to be imported. Because the gadgets and gadgets are entering the European Unions FUTZ, there is no import duty applied to the products. After the window units are assembled, an import duty will only be applied to the goods sent to Istanbul, Turkey, because it does not lie within the Foot the European Union. The duty rate for imports entering Turkey is 18%. In this option, the dutiable value is the total assembly cost of $94. 66. NOTE: There are no drawbacks in Options 2 3 because there is no import duty cost applied to the gadgets and gadgets entering the assembling country. There are several common inherent risks shared by all regions regardless of the location Southern Air Conditioning, Inc. Shoes to assemble their window units. These include: transportation risks, delivery risks, quality risks, currency exchange risks Each assembly site requires at least one component to be imported. There is no absolute guarantee that can be made that would completely protect SAA from the loss of goods during their transport, or to a lesser extent their delayed delivery. There are many factors that can create situations where th e product is delayed or not received at all and in turn would affect Saiss delivery to its customers, their reputation, and penetrability amongst its distributors. Insurance could be obtained to mitigate some risk, but there are many intangibles that could stand to be affected in any event. In addition, because the gadgets are outsourced, SAA takes on the risk that a major component of their final product may not meet expectations. SAA may currently have a good reputable supplier, however, they cannot be for certain that changes to the suppliers labor source, management, machinery, and etc. May not affect product quality at some point during their relationship. And while Contracts of Sale and/or a Bill of Exchange can be implemented to alleviate some of this risk, SAA could still face losses to sales if they have to delay delivery to their suppliers while waiting for quality components to assemble an acceptable finished product. And since all unfinished and finished products are being delivered to multiple countries and not bound to Just one location, the currency exchange risks would also affect every location as there is always a gap between the time a contract is made for the goods and the time the actual payment is received for them. Furthermore, there are classic kiss associated with assembly in any location that affect any organization which includes: cultural, political, economic, financial, industry, and etc. Risks. Option 1: Assembly in New Orleans, US Risks specific to assembling products in the US include ever-changing economic conditions, after-effects of Strain still resounding, and perception and cultural differences from their target markets. Option 2 3: Assembly in Saratoga, Spain or Istanbul, Turkey Risks specific to assembling products in the Saratoga Istanbul, includes having all the finished dodos raw products being outsourced, leaving the assembly plant victim to many possible delivery delays, and having the assembly plant in a completely different location from headquarters and not being able to monitor all aspects of the supply chain as thoroughly. According to the same McKinney study, Istanbul is responsible for 27 percent of Turkeys GAP, with 20 percent of the countrys industrial labor force residing in the city. This provides SAA with a large labor pool to mitigate possible delivery risks. 5) Entry into the European Union. Turkey has a pending application to enter the EX.. This promising future would drastically change the import duties on SASS finished product. All of the demand locations would fall under the European Union Free Trade Zone, lowering costs and increasing opportunities for Southern Air Conditioning.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Who Is Aleister Crowley The Truth About His Life and Work

Who Is Aleister Crowley The Truth About His Life and Work SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The name â€Å"Crowley† has become synonymous with occultism, magic, and secret societies- but who was the man behind it all? Who was Aleister Crowley, really, and why has his name come to be synonymous with esoteric writings? In this article, we’ll discuss who Crowley was, including his life story, the many controversies he inspired, his connection with the occult, and all his famous writings. If you’ve ever wondered about the inspiration behind characters like Supernatural or Good Omens’ famed demons, it all comes back to one famed occultist. WhoIsAleisterCrowley? Aleister Crowley (pronounced CROW-lee), born Edward Alexander Crowley in 1875, was a famed writer, occultist, and hedonist known for practicing magick- this unique spelling not only differentiated his practices from stage magic, but also encompassed all actions leading toward a person’s destiny, or their â€Å"True Will.† Crowley’s Early Life Crowley was born to a preacher and spent the first part of his life as an evangelical Christian. His father died when he was 11, and Crowley’s beliefs changed quite quickly- soon, he started rebelling by not only questioning the Bible, but also by engaging in all kinds of activities that the church frowned upon. His behavior eventually led to his mother calling him â€Å"the beast,† which he adopted and embraced. By age 20, Crowley had adopted the name ‘Aleister,’ the Gaelic form of Alexander, as his new name. Crowley spent some time attending Cambridge University but dropped out before completing a degree. During his time in college, he considered a career in Russian diplomacy, but an illness caused him to reconsider. The illness also caused Crowley to think more philosophically about life and death, spurring him further toward the occult. He was known to be sexually promiscuous, primarily with women, but occasionally with men as well- most notably, fellow Cambridge student Herbert Jerome Pollitt. Pollitt and Crowley were not able to make their relationship last, as Pollitt was not interested in Crowley’s occult pursuits. Crowley deeply regretted the loss of their relationship, and his feelings were folded into his religious practice. Crowley Joins the Golden Dawn After leaving Cambridge in 1898, Crowley turned his attention toward hedonistic pursuits and his new involvement with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a group dedicated to studying the paranormal and the occult. Over the year or so he was involved with the group, Crowley rose quickly through the ranks but found himself butting heads with prominent members, such as Irish poet W. B. Yeats. Some members of the organization found his hedonism off-putting as well as his bisexuality, and he was not permitted to join the higher ranks. Further infighting led to Crowley attempting to take control of certain parts of the Golden Dawn lodge, which discredited his remaining friends in the organization, particularly Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. Crowley Forms the A∠´A∠´ After his time with the Golden Dawn, Crowley traveled the world, climbing mountains in Mexico and India while further developing his spiritual practice. In Paris, Crowley met Rose Kelly, who was set to be married to another man in an arranged marriage- the two instead married one another out of convenience in 1903, though they later fell in love. The two bonded over their mutual spiritualism, and during a meditation session, Rose reportedly passed on the message that Horus, an Egyptian god, was waiting for Crowley. Crowley pursued the idea, reportedly making contact in 1904 with a spirit named Aiwass who served as Horus’ messenger. During this contact, Aiwass is said to have dictated the text of what would later become The Book of the Law, or the sacred text of Thelema, to him. Crowley continued to travel the world, though Rose and their daughter, Lilith, remained behind. During this time, Rose developed a serious drinking problem and Lilith contracted typhoid, dying in 1906. Rose’s deteriorating mental health and their daughters’ death put increasing strain on their marriage, and the two divorced in 1909. Rose was later committed to an institution in 1911. Continuing his involvement in the occult, Crowley founded his own organization as a successor to The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, called A∠´A∠´, in 1907. Though he already had a reputation, a public court case in which his former friend Mathers sued him for disclosing secrets of the Golden Dawn in his own work shot him to even greater stardom. His involvement with the occult got him branded as a Satanist, a reputation he was more than happy to play up. Crowley’s Influence Grows Much of Crowley’s income came from publishing, as he continued writing and releasing books of poetry. He also wrote numerous articles for Vanity Fair, which at the time was edited by his friend Frank Harris. His articles included "On the Management of Blondes" and "Three Great Hoaxes of the War." His influence grew throughout the early to mid-20th century, as his writings drew in more practitioners of Thelema. He even started his own abbey in 1920, where he and other Thelemites lived and worshiped, practicing sex magic and creating art. His hedonistic lifestyle continued, and he developed a significant heroin problem. After significant controversy resulting from the quality of living at the Abbey of Thelema, Crowley was branded as â€Å"the wickedest man in the world.† He was deported from Italy under Benito Mussolini’s rule, and again deported from France thanks to his reputation. His hedonistic lifestyle and continued travels led to him becoming destitute. He took on students and even attempted to sue people he believed had libeled him, and though he won some cases, the legal fees were too much. He was declared bankrupt in 1935. After a brief interest in converting Adolf Hitler to Thelema, Crowley began associating with prominent members of British intelligence, specificallyBritain's Naval Intelligence Division, including Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl. He died in 1947, with his funeral being labeled a Black Mass by the press. Why Is Crowley Significant? Aleister Crowley achieved a level of fame quite unlike any other occult figure of his kind. While figures like Mathers and Allan Bennett may have been higher up in famous organizations like the Golden Dawn, it’s Crowley’s name that’s remembered, immortalized on the cover to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and in Black Sabbath’s â€Å"Mr. Crowley.† Part of his fame no doubt comes from the influence of his philosophy. One of Thelema’s tenets, and one of Crowley’s major life mottos, was â€Å"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.† Though there are multiple ways to interpret the meaning, one popular theory is that this motto, advocating for individualism alongside Thelema’s teaching that the world was approaching a new age, led into the cultural revolution of the sixties, which similarly embraced drug use and sexual liberation as a response to a straight-laced society. Many figures who helped catapult Crowley to posthumous fame, such as The Doors, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath, all grew out of the countercultural movement of the 1960s, even if they were not active during that period. These icons of rock and pop culture helped solidify Crowley’s cultural relevance, but that’s only part of the story- there’s also much to be said about Crowley’s courting of controversy. Why Was Crowley So Controversial? It’s not hard to see why Crowley was a controversial figure; he was unabashedly bisexual in a time when that was frowned upon, he embraced rumors that he was a Satanist and child murderer, and he founded a religious organization that operated in opposition to dominant religions like Christianity. But it wasn’t just rumor that fueled his reputation- numerous events also convinced people that he was literally dangerous. One such event was the death of Raoul Loveday, a Thelemite who lived at Crowley’s Abbey of Thelema in Italy. According to Betty May, Loveday’s wife, Loveday drank a sacrificed cat’s blood. Other rituals included cutting themselves with razors if they used the pronoun ‘I.’ Loveday died while living in the Abbey after drinking from a polluted stream, prompting May to leave and tell the story to the press. It was this event that got Crowley branded as â€Å"the wickedest man in the world,† by John Bull, a British tabloid. But other events raised suspicions as well, such as when Crowley feuded with a mountaineering group as they tried to climb Kanchenjunga. The group eventually refused to climb any further, and though Crowley warned them that it would be dangerous to turn back, they did so- all of them, except Crowley, died in an accident. Crowley also exhibited some controversial political and social beliefs, such as his interests in Nazism and Marxist-Leninism or his misogyny and racism. Richard Spence and Tobias Churton have both suggested and that his controversial persona and numerous eccentricities were in fact adopted to hide his true purpose: that of a British spy. According to this theory, many of Crowley’s strange activities were done to throw people off the scent. He supposedly joined the Golden Dawn to gather information on Mathers, a Carlist, and that his attempted seizing of power was meant to discredit Mathers. Spence further suggested that some of Crowley’s travels were attempts to further British interests, such as searching for Mexican oil or monitoring the opium trade in China. Crowley was rejected from the British Naval Intelligence Division but did spend some time in the company of famed British spies. Other historians have noted Crowley’s involvement with George Sylvester Viereck and his paper The Fatherland, which aimed to keep the United States neutral during World War I. Though some have said that this was because he was a traitor to Britain, one biographer, Lawrence Sutin, has written that this was a coordinated attack on German credibility in New York. Sutin argues that, by pulling bizarre stunts and being hyperbolic, Crowley was actually acting under the wishes of British intelligence to discredit the Germans. Though it’s possible that Aleister Crowley’s â€Å"wicked† persona was an affectation to cover up his spy work, that theory isn’t what has drawn people to him. His contemporaries and later generations have long been interested in his connection with the occult, his storied life, and his many magickal writings. Aleister Crowley's Books Though Crowley is best known as the â€Å"wickedest man in the world,† his writings were his main source of income throughout his life. From poetry to religious texts, Crowley’s work is a large part of why he’s such an iconic figure today. Below you can see a list of his most important and popular publications: White Stains, 1898 Alice: An Adultery, 1903 Liber AL vel Legis (The Book of the Law), 1904 Collected Works of Aleister Crowley 1905–1907 Konx Om Pax: Essays in Light, 1907 Clouds without Water, 1909 Which is also Falsely Called BREAKS. The Wanderings or Falsifications of the One Thought of Frater Perdurabo, which Thought is itself Untrue. Liber CCCXXXIII [Book 333], 1912 The Equinox: Volume III, Number I, 1919 Diary of a Drug Fiend, 1922 The Confessions of Aleister Crowley : An Autohagiography, 1929 Moonchild, 1929 The Stratagem and other Stories, 1929 The Equinox of the Gods, 1936 Little Essays Toward Truth. 1938 Eight Lectures on Yoga, 1939 Liber OZ, 1941 The Book of Thoth: A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians, 1944 Magick Without Tears, 1954 Liber Aleph vel CXI: The Book of Wisdom or Folly, 1991 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley The Law is for All Magick, Liber ABA, Book 4 The Vision and the Voice Famous Aleister Crowley Quotes Aleister Crowley, as a prolific writer and public figure, has a great number of memorable quotes. Some of his most famous include: â€Å"Black magic is not a myth. It is a totally unscientific and emotional form of magic, but it does get results - of an extremely temporary nature. The recoil upon those who practice it is terrific. It is like looking for an escape of gas with a lighted candle. As far as the search goes, there is little fear of failure! To practice black magic you have to violate every principle of science, decency, and intelligence. You must be obsessed with an insane idea of the importance of the petty object of your wretched and selfish desires. I have been accused of being a "black magician." No more foolish statement was ever made about me. I despise the thing to such an extent that I can hardly believe in the existence of people so debased and idiotic as to practice it.† - "The Worst Man in the World" in The Sunday Dispatch (2 July 1933) â€Å"Every man and every woman is a star.† - The Book of the Law (1904) â€Å"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.† - The Book of the Law (1904) â€Å"The conscience of the world is so guilty that it always assumes that people who investigate heresies must be heretics; just as if a doctor who studies leprosy must be a leper. Indeed, it is only recently that science has been allowed to study anything without reproach.† - The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (1929) â€Å"The customer is usually wrong; but statistics indicate that it doesn't pay to tell him so.† - Magick Without Tears (1954) â€Å"Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass are done; but there is that which remains.† - The Book of the Law (1904) â€Å"Happiness lies within one's self, and the way to dig it out is cocaine.† - Diary of a Drug Fiend (1922) What’s Next? Want to know more about early 20th century literature? Learn more aboutThe Great Gatsby's title and how it reflects the themes of the book! Like your literature with a twist of the occult? This analysis of the character of Abigail Williams inThe Cruciblecovers her role in the fictionalized Salem Witch Trials of the play. Aleister Crowley's writings are pretty dense- if you need some help understanding him, check out this collection of AP language and composition terms!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Approach In Treating Schizophrenia Samples

Deficit based practice have long been used for helping out the professionals for addressing the needs and the problems of gifted children. While addressing the mental health problems, a strong belief that prevails it that once the presenting problem is identified, an expert can be found and he can then fix out a prescription to cure the condition (Kapp et al., 2013). It has to be kept in mind that deficit based approaches can create dependency on outside solutions. One of the foremost problem with deficit based approach is that the interventions comes often too late superseding after the problem is already present rather than intervening to prevent the problem. Research has suggested that deficit based programs mainly focus on what the youth and the children are doing wrong and are found to be unsuccessful unlike the programs that mainly focus on the strengths of the young generation (Kapp et al., 2013).   An example to this can be given such as; the zero tolerance policy towards s chool bullying can result in increased level of suspensions without the knowledge of how the behaviors can be changed. It basically do not stop the problems of bullying, who typically spends more unnoticed and unsupervised time in the community or home. Strength based approach on the other hand moves the subject away from the weaknesses of the people and focus on strengths of the client (Amaresha & Venkatasubramanian, 2012). The case study reveals the fact that the individual had been recently diagnosed with schizophrenia, which was previously believed to be the signs of autism and hence the treatment was mainly based on behavioral treatment depending upon the situation. On this context it can be said that when a health care provider portrays a gloomy picture of people having mental illness, the clients also perceives themselves negatively. According to the researchers 24 % of the people suffering from schezophrenia have scored less in self regard on the basis of Rosenberg self esteem scale (RSES) (Zargham-Boroujeni et al., 2015). In this case a positive psychotherapy can be used which will be able to focus more on the internal strengths and less on weakness, shortcomings and failures. This can help to set up a positive mindset in the patient in the scenario that will help to find own strength, improve the resilience and achieve a positive worldview. Strength based therapy can include talk therapy which can guide the patient in retelling the history of the stressors, trauma and emphasize on pain having more emphasis on the strength and survival than that of weakness (Xie, 2013). Strength based therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, personal therapy, compliance therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy; supportive psychotherapy can be used to treat the behavioral symptoms related to Schizophrenia (Xie, 2013). Cognitive behavioral therapy has shown significant improvements in depression, negative symptoms and social functioning. CBT is again not suited for the patients who are cute sufferers. Personal therapy can be suitable to individuals who have been discharged from clinical settings. Supportive therapy can be used to counsel the patient while dealing with life issues by dealing their problems with general assistance, clarifications and reassurance (Chien et al., 2013). A paradigm shift from deficit based to strength based will help to increase the level of functioning in the patient. The quality of life will improve and the symptoms will decrease. It will bring about a change in the self image of the client (Zargham-Boroujeni et al., 2015). Highe r level of resiliency would cater to the mental well being of the patient. The primary principles of strength based approach is to utilize the strength already possessed by the patient, secondly the client has to be motivated to focus on the strengths (Rashid, 2015). Finally, the environment from where the client will derive resources to strengthen his or skills should be conducing enough.   The family and the communities can help to identify the informal support system that can be provided to such patients. Meetings, social intervention gatherings and educational sessions can help the patient to share his stories with one other as well as the practitioners (Chien et al., 2013). It is essential to develop the therapeutic relationship between the consumer and the practitioner. According to researchers hardiness can be correlated negatively to mental disorders. They have also indicated the relation between the hope of recovery, strength, productive and a satisfying life style (Zargh am-Boroujeni et al., 2015). It can be said that treatment of schizophrenia cannot be treated with one psychotherapy as no single method can address all the problems. A combination of cognitive remediation, illness education and social skills training along with medications can serve as the best treatment. Emotional support in handling with a disabling illness, enhancing the coping strategies for promoting functional recovery and alteration of the underneath pathophysiology are the main elements of the future psychotherapy interventions for schizophrenia. Amaresha, A. C., & Venkatasubramanian, G. (2012). Expressed emotion in schizophrenia: an overview. Indian journal of psychological medicine, 34(1), 12. Chien, W. T., Leung, S. F., Yeung, F. K., & Wong, W. K. (2013). Current approaches to treatments for schizophrenia spectrum disorders, part II: psychosocial interventions and patient-focused perspectives in psychiatric care. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 9, 1463–1481. Kapp, S. K., Gillespie-Lynch, K., Sherman, L. E., & Hutman, T. (2013). Deficit, difference, or both? Autism and neurodiversity. Developmental psychology, 49(1), 59. Rashid, T. (2015). Positive psychotherapy: A strength-based approach. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 10(1), 25-40. Xie, H. (2013). Strengths-Based Approach for Mental Health Recovery. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 7(2), 5–10. Zargham-Boroujeni, A., Maghsoudi, J., & Oreyzi, H. R. (2015). Focusing on psychiatric patients’ strengths: A new vision on mental health care in Iran. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 20(3), 340–346. 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Friday, October 18, 2019

Inspiring Policy on Disease- and Emergency-Related Issues Essay

Inspiring Policy on Disease- and Emergency-Related Issues - Essay Example cy is on the process of being revised as the policy network grapple with the issue of whether routine mammograms for women starts at the age of 40 or 50. This particular issue is dependent on the movements of the current health care reform being undertaken in America. In examining the trajectory of breast cancer policymaking beginning in the 1980s towards the 1990s, one can identify the glaring fact that a single policy could take years to be made. This is demonstrated in Lillquist’s (2001) study on breast cancer policymaking, which mapped out the timeline of the most important legislative achievement to date, The Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality Prevention Act. Legislative hearings on this policy began in 1984 and this stage in the process took six years before a bill was finally introduced and passed into law in 1990 (Lillquist, p.20). The period taken by the process was, as a matter of fact, short in comparison with the conventional lawmaking since breast cancer as a health problem is considered a special case with special characteristics. According to Lillquist, the breast cancer issue became an amalgamation of environmental, racial, aging and feminist issues (p.24). These characteristics entailed the political leverage that helped expedite policymaking. It must be noted that during the 1980s, the policymakers are lukewarm to the issue, treating breast cancer as part of a wider health policy. Prior position during this period did not consider services as the government’s responsibility (Lillquist, p.19). Kasper and Ferguson pointed out that even when breast cancer has been identified as a social issue since the 1970s, public policy responses were minimal (p.18). But in the course of the legislative process, this changed because of the advocacies of the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC). This group, which was composed of cancer survivors, worked tirelessly to raise the level of public awareness on the issue and get people involved. By the time a

How closely management and leadership are connected for maintaining Essay

How closely management and leadership are connected for maintaining the normal flow of an organization - Essay Example The concepts management and leadership differ greatly in terms of organising people, but the two are closely linked as they both maintain the normal flow of the organization. They entail setting what needs to be acted upon, mobilize individuals to achieve a certain goal, and lastly ensure that individuals perform their duties. Leadership is often about setting a direction for individuals to follow, but on a complementary perspective management directs these individuals based on established principles or values. As stated by Lopez (2014) leadership involves realizing potential in oneself and others. Above all, managing has planning and budgeting, this means that managers create appropriate plans that will contribute to the success of the organization, and leaders ensure that they direct their followers to the right direction that will enable them to work towards achieving the goals of the organization. In addition, while managing deals with organizing and staffing to help in achieving organizational goals, this is as clarified by Ratcliffe (2013) â€Å"†¦ management is a set of processes that keep an organization functioning†. On the same note, leading is all about aligning individuals in a more effective manner in order to achieve the goals of the organization, this indicate how these two concepts aims at maintaining the normal flow of the organization. Furthermore, management and leadership are linked in ensuring that organizational activities flow normally is based on the nature of their functions. For instance, a leader creates the organizational vision and it is the manager’s duty to accomplish it (Gillikin, no date). Management is about establishing specific functions and assigning them to specific individuals. Moreover, it involves leading and regulating individuals and assisting them to move toward a common purpose in coordination. As clarified by Maccoby (2000 pp.57-59) â€Å"The functions of management include

Bowling alley Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Bowling alley - Research Paper Example My aim in this paper is to bring out clearly the reasons why the construction should be carried, using geology/ soil and the water system of the specific place, 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro NJ 07751 Block 122 Lot 39, to defend my opinion To achieve the above goal I have organized my paper into sections in which the first section, I have given the Environmental Impact Analysis of the specific place in relation to Geology/ soil, and the in the second section I have discussed the water system of the place pertaining to the aquifer of the water system. I have then concluded my paper with a final section that discusses the overall summary of why I think the team trying to deny the construction of the alley is bad. So let start with the Environmental Impact Analysis of the place. Geology/ soil First before looking into why the soil or rather the geology of the place supports the construction of the alley, it is very prudent to define the two key words, that is the geology and soil of a pla ce. Soil: soils are the results of weathering, mechanical disintegration, and chemical decomposition of the parent material. The products of weathering may have the same composition as the parent material, or they may be new minerals that have resulted from the action of water, carbon dioxide, and organic acids with minerals comprising the parent material. Geology: geology can be defined as the scientific study is which comprises the study of the solid rocks and the solid Earth, these rocks of that it are composed, and the various processes by with which the solid rocks change. Generally speaking, geology can be considered as the scientific study of the surface of almost all the celestial bodies, such as the geology of the mars and the geology of the moon. So, why is the geology or the soil for that matter very important before the construction of a building anything for this case a bowling alley? Well below is a list of the soils conditions, types, present in the place that support s the construction of the alley. GEOLOGY/ SOILS Following an analysis of the geology/ soils and the seismic hazards is founded primarily on a technical report by the Geotechnical Engineering Investigation of the Proposed five lane bowling alley. 1. The ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS a. Appropriate Physical Setting (1) Geologic Conditions In 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro NJ 07751 Block 122 Lot 39, which is the project site is comparatively very level with an entire change in the grade of around 33 feet, west to east something that is less than 30% grade. An average elevation of the area is very roughly 740 feet almost above the mean sea level. The Immediate head-to-head properties, are usually characterized by the similar shapes and the elevations. 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro is underlain by the Pleistocene and Holocene alluvium that had been deposited in the Valley next to the place, the structural basin that is surrounded by the mountains on the entire four sides. This alluvium can be es timated as being numerous hundred feet thicker. The deposits are usually very fine grained that consists of mixtures of silt,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Security and Portfolio Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Security and Portfolio Analysis - Case Study Example He has suggested a limitation of 20 high-yielding stocks in the portfolio, instead of 40 stocks, of which only 10-12 gave considerable returns. While, on the face of it, if Hennessy accepts Jones' suggestion and invests the corpus in only 20 "good" issues, it might translate into lesser work, easier fund management and higher returns for the client and Hennessey himself. However, if there is any shift in the micro economy of the region, this might translate into lower profitability for the portfolio. Diversification spreads the risk involved and makes sure that if one sector is not doing favourably, stocks from another sector provide considerable gains. Broadly speaking, the sectors could be divided into infrastructure, banking, power, natural resources, energy, consumer goods, hospitality, healthcare, transport, automobiles, food, sugar, metals, shipping, finance, construction, oil, pharma, alternate energy, Information Technology, etc. Based on the size of the capital, the stocks could be classified as large caps, mid caps or small caps. By investing an amount in a majority of the sectors and each of the large, mid or sma ll cap companies, the risk of the portfolio is reduced. ... Depending on the stage in which the economy is in, exposure to such sectors could either be increased or decreased to increase the overall profitability. There are certain stocks of well managed companies, which give consistent returns to the stockholder, irrespective of the phase the market is in: whether bull phase or bear phase. Thus, I would rather prefer Hennessey's strategy of investing in 40 stocks than increasing the risk by investing in 20 stocks. b. Is there any way Hennessy could reduce the number of issues from 40 to 20 without significantly affecting risk Explain. The reason Hennessy seemed to do well most years was because the firm was able to identify each year 10 or 12 issues, which registered particularly large gains. So, picking out these 10-12 issues and doubling the amount invested in these companies would logically lead to the same profits. The only way Hennessy could reduce the number of issues from 40 to 20 without significantly affecting risk, would be to invest in companies having a record of consistent returns over a significant period of time. This might however mean a lowering of returns in a bear market. No pains, no gains, being the thumb rule in the capital markets, this might just eat into the profitability of the portfolio. 2. One committee member was particularly enthusiastic concerning Jone's proposal. He suggested that Hennessy's performance might benefit further from reduction in the number of issues to 10. If the reduction to 20 could be expected to be advantageous, explain why reduction to 10 might be less likely to be advantageous. (Assume that Wilstead will evaluate the Hennessy portfolio independently of the other portfolios in the fund.)2. A bottom-up investor believes that superior companies will do well even if

Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economics - Assignment Example At the core of the concern for methodology in economics is a concern on how economics acquire knowledge on the world and what methodologies economics use to expand the frontiers of that knowledge. Also closely related to the concern is the discipline’s notion of what constitutes science and what knowledge can be considered as scientific or what knowledge can be considered as lacking a scientific basis or foundation. According to Hausman (1989, p. 115), the literature on economic methodology is mainly concerned with confirmation or disconfirmation of theory and has usually revolved on whether a particular economics is good science. Milton Friedman had viewed that good economic theories provide correct and useful predictions while Paul Samuelson had upheld that economic theories must involve operational concepts that are equivalent to their descriptions (Hausman, 1989, p.115). For Hausman, however, these views are mistaken because many of economic theorizing have been conceptual explorations and theories do not necessarily offer empirical hypotheses. According to Hauman, the four approaches that have dominated the discussion on economic methodology are deductivism, positivism or Popperianism, predictionism, and eclecticism. Hausman (1989) associates deductivism with Johan Stuart Mill, the discussion on positivism or Popperianism with Mark Blaug, predictionism with Milton Friedman, and eclecticism with Donald McCloskey. Deductivism asserts that because so many causal factors can influence economic phenomena, experimentation is generally not possible and induction cannot be directly employed (Hausman, 1989, p. 116, 3rd paragraph). The deductivist solution is to derive inductively the psychological or technical laws and then deduce the economic implications from the laws that were discovered inductively (Hausman, 1989, p. 116, 3rd paragraph). Empirical tests are needed to check whether the empirically derived conclusions are applicable, whether the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bowling alley Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Bowling alley - Research Paper Example My aim in this paper is to bring out clearly the reasons why the construction should be carried, using geology/ soil and the water system of the specific place, 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro NJ 07751 Block 122 Lot 39, to defend my opinion To achieve the above goal I have organized my paper into sections in which the first section, I have given the Environmental Impact Analysis of the specific place in relation to Geology/ soil, and the in the second section I have discussed the water system of the place pertaining to the aquifer of the water system. I have then concluded my paper with a final section that discusses the overall summary of why I think the team trying to deny the construction of the alley is bad. So let start with the Environmental Impact Analysis of the place. Geology/ soil First before looking into why the soil or rather the geology of the place supports the construction of the alley, it is very prudent to define the two key words, that is the geology and soil of a pla ce. Soil: soils are the results of weathering, mechanical disintegration, and chemical decomposition of the parent material. The products of weathering may have the same composition as the parent material, or they may be new minerals that have resulted from the action of water, carbon dioxide, and organic acids with minerals comprising the parent material. Geology: geology can be defined as the scientific study is which comprises the study of the solid rocks and the solid Earth, these rocks of that it are composed, and the various processes by with which the solid rocks change. Generally speaking, geology can be considered as the scientific study of the surface of almost all the celestial bodies, such as the geology of the mars and the geology of the moon. So, why is the geology or the soil for that matter very important before the construction of a building anything for this case a bowling alley? Well below is a list of the soils conditions, types, present in the place that support s the construction of the alley. GEOLOGY/ SOILS Following an analysis of the geology/ soils and the seismic hazards is founded primarily on a technical report by the Geotechnical Engineering Investigation of the Proposed five lane bowling alley. 1. The ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS a. Appropriate Physical Setting (1) Geologic Conditions In 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro NJ 07751 Block 122 Lot 39, which is the project site is comparatively very level with an entire change in the grade of around 33 feet, west to east something that is less than 30% grade. An average elevation of the area is very roughly 740 feet almost above the mean sea level. The Immediate head-to-head properties, are usually characterized by the similar shapes and the elevations. 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro is underlain by the Pleistocene and Holocene alluvium that had been deposited in the Valley next to the place, the structural basin that is surrounded by the mountains on the entire four sides. This alluvium can be es timated as being numerous hundred feet thicker. The deposits are usually very fine grained that consists of mixtures of silt,

Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economics - Assignment Example At the core of the concern for methodology in economics is a concern on how economics acquire knowledge on the world and what methodologies economics use to expand the frontiers of that knowledge. Also closely related to the concern is the discipline’s notion of what constitutes science and what knowledge can be considered as scientific or what knowledge can be considered as lacking a scientific basis or foundation. According to Hausman (1989, p. 115), the literature on economic methodology is mainly concerned with confirmation or disconfirmation of theory and has usually revolved on whether a particular economics is good science. Milton Friedman had viewed that good economic theories provide correct and useful predictions while Paul Samuelson had upheld that economic theories must involve operational concepts that are equivalent to their descriptions (Hausman, 1989, p.115). For Hausman, however, these views are mistaken because many of economic theorizing have been conceptual explorations and theories do not necessarily offer empirical hypotheses. According to Hauman, the four approaches that have dominated the discussion on economic methodology are deductivism, positivism or Popperianism, predictionism, and eclecticism. Hausman (1989) associates deductivism with Johan Stuart Mill, the discussion on positivism or Popperianism with Mark Blaug, predictionism with Milton Friedman, and eclecticism with Donald McCloskey. Deductivism asserts that because so many causal factors can influence economic phenomena, experimentation is generally not possible and induction cannot be directly employed (Hausman, 1989, p. 116, 3rd paragraph). The deductivist solution is to derive inductively the psychological or technical laws and then deduce the economic implications from the laws that were discovered inductively (Hausman, 1989, p. 116, 3rd paragraph). Empirical tests are needed to check whether the empirically derived conclusions are applicable, whether the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Qualitative Methods Essay Example for Free

Qualitative Methods Essay One of the primary goals of qualitative case study research is in bringing clearness and excellence to knowledge obtained thru previously made researches. Case study methods envisage the analysis of limited number of events in certain context at certain time frame in order to track the existing relationships between them and regarding the surroundings. Nowadays, case study research is a popular and widely used method in social science because its ability to examine the real life situations in the frame of existing theories and methods. Robert K. Yin is one of the biggest contributors into the case research study science, he stresses on the importance of bounding the contemporary studies with its real contexts and the great role case study research leads in this deal (Yin, 1994, p. 22). Case study research procedures always generate the large amount of data, that’s why it is necessary to bring it into order, for getting the information sorted on data, category, history, items, etc. Creating the comprehensive a well organized case study database prevents the researcher from losing the main point and value of his research, at the end the analysis of data is simplified and clarified within the systematization used in database. One the main peculiarities in building and maintaining the efficient database are in ability to maintain the relationship between the particular event and the evidence appropriately. At the time, when data can be physically entered and stored in the database with the capability to bring several data at the same time to be stored in the database, there are the procedures, which should be kept orderly and in certain time frame. The list of these procedures includes documents classification, cross referencing and documentation of important evidences and facts. There are six major steps to be performed for getting the substantial and procedural case study research. They include: 1. Determination and identification of research goals and questions; 2. Selection of targeted cases in the terms of research purposes and identification of research techniques to be used; 3. Preparations to data collection, and building the comprehensive database of collected data; 4. Data evaluation and analysis; 5. Reporting Case study report is an expected outcome of research procedures, its quality and comprehensiveness depends on the quality of database the researcher afforded to build. Going thru all the steps required to be performed in order to gain the main goals of case study research, there is a necessity to stress that case study report is a method to structure and order the all research procedures, which predominate at the earliest stages of investigation. There is a direct link between determination of goals and questions and the report quality. The same relevant boundaries are to be mentioned between case study report and research techniques chosen and preparation for database creation. Preparation of report envisages the creation of procedure, which will allow transforming the complex issues into the comprehensive form, which can be understood by the reader and the questions on the particular research case can be set up. In other words case study research is a method to build a bridge between investigators with massive data stores and the reader, who is surfing for some valuable comprehensive study. Case study report maintains the reader’s ability to use the most complex database created by researches in the way, which is clear and efficiently useful for gaining required knowledge on particular case. Technically case study report deliveries a value of all the cases gathered in research study database have been analyzed and communicated in order to browse the pure outcome acceptable by reader in terms of his/her real life situations. There are various ways to represent a case study report including the ability to review the each case in separate modules or chapter or putting the facts chronologically. One of the methods used for accomplishing the qualified case study report includes the usage of representative audience group in order to receive and independent and sufficient opinion on the draft report document. It is easier to write the revisions afterwards. There is a dilemma. Some researches prefer the study participants to have the access to draft document only, the others underline the efficiency of audience group. The relevancy of data gathered in report achieved by the both methods depends on the accuracy of database accomplishment and evaluation and analysis procedure and the personality of researcher. Case study report is a document structured in a way that makes all the information highlighted and combined in accordance with the different cases reviewed. Case study report is a tool for further construction of the account, thus it should contain the most substantial information along with its deep analysis. Technically database should contain all the available information about case study including meetings protocols, various project documentation, interviews data, surveys, etc. The peculiarity of case study database is in its ability to store collected, documented and classified data, which is easy to be generated into required form of case study report. References: 1. Yin R. K. (1994), Case Study Research Design and Methods, 2nd ed. Newbury Park, Sage Publications

Monday, October 14, 2019

Looking At The History Of Domestic Violence Social Work Essay

Looking At The History Of Domestic Violence Social Work Essay The Experience of Domestic Abuse Amongst South Asian Women How issues of domestic abuse arise in Asian families is it prevalent amongst Asian communities more than Western European communities, or is this a myth created by media what are underlying cultural issues (ie. Forced marriages, honour killings/violence, mental abuse, physical abuse, rape, etc) how does the community/family respond to domestic abuse when it is perpetuated, how are the women treated, is their support from within the community for these women Domestic violence can have an enormous effect on your mental health. It is now well accepted that abuse (both in childhood and in adult life) is often the main factor in the development of depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders, and may lead to sleep disturbances, self-harm, suicide and attempted suicide, eating disorders and substance misuse. (See References.) Abused women are at least three times more likely to experience depression or anxiety disorders than other women. One-third of all female suicide attempts and half of those by Black and ethnic minority women can be attributed to past or current experiences of domestic violence. Women who use mental health services are much more likely to have experienced domestic violence than women in the general population. 70% of women psychiatric in-patients and 80% of those in secure settings have histories of physical or sexual abuse. Children who live with domestic violence are at increased risk of behavioural problems and emotional trauma, and mental health difficulties in adult life. (See also Children and domestic violence.) An audit in Greenwich found that 60% of mental health service users had experienced domestic violence. Another survey of women using mental health services in Leeds found that half of them had experienced domestic violence and a further quarter had suffered sexual abuse. How your mental health can be used to abuse you further If you have a mental health diagnosis, your partner may have used this to abuse you even more. For example, by: Saying you couldnt cope without him. Saying youre mad. Not allowing you to go anywhere alone because he is your carer. Speaking for you: You know you get confused/youre not very confident/you dont understand the issues. Telling you youre a bad mother and cannot look after the children properly. Forcing you to have an abortion because you couldnt cope. Threatening to take the children away. Threatening to tell Social Services the implication being they will take the children away. Telling the children Mummy cant look after you. Deliberately misleading or confusing you. Withholding your medication. Withholding or coercing you into using alcohol or drugs. Undermining you when you disclose the abuse or ask for help: You cant believe her shes mad. These tactics will almost certainly add to your emotional distress and exacerbate any existing mental health issues. If you have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, you will be in a particularly vulnerable position, and are likely to find it even harder to report domestic violence than other women. You are likely to suffer from a sense of shame because of the stigma attached in our society to having mental illness of any kind, and you may feel even more powerless. Furthermore, the response of the service providers is also likely to be more problematic, due to the stigma of being mentally ill: They may not believe you when you disclose abuse. They may see you only when your partner is present. They may accept your partners account at face value. They may feel sympathy for your partner After all he has had to put up with or blame you for the abuse. They may judge you (particularly if you are self-harming or have attempted suicide, or if you use alcohol or drugs). Dont blame yourself! Your mental health difficulties are not your fault, and you are not responsible for the abuse: the abuser is. You are entitled to help as much as any other abused woman, and if you have additional support needs, you should get help with them too. Some refuge organisations are unable to offer accommodation to women with severe mental health needs because they have insufficient resources to provide suitable support. However, other refuges will be able to accommodate you and all refuge organisations should be able to find you somewhere else to go. If you have decided to leave your abuser, you could ring the Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247, run in partnership between Womens Aid and Refuge, which will be able to put you in touch with a refuge organisation that can provide accommodation that meets your support needs. Mental health services Despite the frequent overlap between domestic violence and mental ill health, mental health professionals seem generally to ignore the issue of abuse. They are unlikely to ask you about it and may therefore be unaware of it. You yourself may feel unable to disclose the abuse to your GP or to your community psychiatric nurse (CPN) or your psychiatrist (if you have one). So you may find that the reasons for your depression or other difficulties are ignored. You may feel blamed for the abuse. And you are very likely simply to be offered medication (such as tranquillisers, anti-depressants or sleeping pills) instead of being given an opportunity to talk about what is happening or has happened to you. When mental health professionals do take domestic violence into account, they may still disagree about the causes of your condition and how to treat it. For example, some psychologists believe that the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), most often associated with wars or natural disasters such as fire or earthquake, or experiences such as torture or being held hostage, can be appropriately applied to survivors of domestic violence. Other people argue that anxiety and depression, and even self-harm or suicide attempts may be the normal response to the experience of long-term abuse. While depression tends to ease when women are no longer being abused this will not happen immediately. It may take a long time for you to come to terms with what has happened. You may suffer continued abuse and harassment long after the relationship itself has ended and you are likely to live in fear of it for much longer. You may also experience flashbacks long after the violence has ceased. See Surviving after abuse: Looking after yourself and moving on for some suggestions on how to deal with this. Counselling All women who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence will need emotional support of some kind, but their needs will vary. All women need to be listened to with respect and without being judged when they choose to talk about their experiences. They want to be believed and to feel they have been understood. Mutual support from other women who have had similarly abusive experiences can be very valuable: it will help you to feel less isolated and to recognise that none of the abuse you experienced was your fault. You will get this kind of support if you go into a refuge, or if you use a Womens Aid outreach service, or join a support group. Some women may benefit from more formal counselling or psychotherapy though not usually while they are still living with their abuser or immediately after escaping from the violence, when physical safety and practical issues are likely to be of greater concern. If you decide you would like some counselling, the following information may help you. Counselling is a two-way relationship, in which the counsellor listens to whatever you want to say, in confidence and without making judgements. Counsellors are not supposed to give advice, but they may ask questions or challenge you in ways which may help you to look more carefully at some of the assumptions you may have taken for granted. Usually you will have regular sessions, for an hour or slightly less, each week or every two weeks. Psychotherapy tends to be more intensive than counselling, and may continue for a longer period of time, as issues are explored in more depth. Some people, however, use these terms interchangeably. The aim of counselling is to help you understand yourself better and come to terms with what has happened to you. Good counselling will help you to break away from past abusive relationships and work towards living in a way which is more satisfactory and fulfilling for you. It can also help you to build up your self esteem. However, counselling is not for everyone and you have to decide whether it is right for you and whether this is the right time for it. If you decide you want some counselling, it is important that the counsellor or therapist you choose is right for you, and that she is appropriately qualified and experienced. She should also have a good understanding of domestic violence and its effects, and should take care not to appear to blame you or make you feel guilty in any way for the abuse you experienced. Styles of counselling differ a lot depending in part on the theoretical approach of the counsellor or therapist and you may find some approaches more helpful then others. In some parts of the country, there are counselling services specifically set up by women for women, and many of these have a particular focus on issues of violence and abuse. Some also offer support groups for survivors of domestic violence. Some of these are listed at the end of this section. If you contact your local Womens Aid organisation, they may be able to put you in touch with a counselling service or support group in your area. Some counselling organisations offer sessions that are free of charge; others charge a fee dependent on your income. Your GP surgery may have a counsellor to which your doctor could refer you, or he or she might refer you to an NHS psychologist though there could be a long waiting list. NHS services will be free of charge, but may be time-limited. Alternatively, you could contact an organisation such as the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) which can give you a list of trained and accredited counsellors in your area. These will charge an hourly fee, though some may have concessionary rates for those on low incomes. In each case, it is important that you feel happy with your counsellor, and are able to build up a rapport and a sense of trust in the relationship. Further information Freephone 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247, run in partnership between Womens Aid and Refuge: They will be able to put you in touch with your local Womens Aid organisation or other domestic violence service. Saneline: For anyone concerned about their own mental health or that of someone else. Local rate helpline: 08457 678 000, open 1pm 11pm every day. Website: Samaritans: Provides a listening service for those in distress or considering suicide. 24 hour helpline: 0845 790 9090. Rethink (formerly the National Schizophrenia Fellowship): Rethink provides a wide range of services throughout the UK, including supported housing, helplines, employment projects and support groups. To contact the Rethink National Advice Service, please call 020 8974 6814. The Service is available from Monday to Friday 10am 3pm, except Tuesday and Thursday 10am 1pm. Website: Mind: Mind offers information and support on mental health issues, and where to get help. The national information line can put you in touch with local Mind groups, which may run local helpines, support groups and other activities. Mind also produces a wide variety of leaflets and other publications on mental health issues. Mindinfoline: 08457 660 163, Monday Friday 9:15am 5:15pm (not bank holidays). Typetalk for callers with hearing or speech problems who have access to minicom: 0800 959 598. Email: [emailprotected] Website: Threshold: The helpline, due to lack of funding, can only provide information and a  signposting service to women, their carers and workers during 10am 1pm on Tuesdays. Womens Mental Health Infoline: 0808 808 6000, Answerphone at other times. Email: [emailprotected] Website: No Panic: Provides a free information pack, and their answerphone refers callers to other numbers where they can talk to one of their volunteers for support. Also refers to local services when available. Freephone: 0808 808 0545, 10am 10pm, for those suffering from anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Depression Alliance: Depression Alliance has a national network of self-help groups. It also offers a correspondence scheme. It does not offer a helpline scheme. Phone: 0845 123 2320 (local call rates) for a free information pack and to find out contact numbers for services locally. Email: [emailprotected] Website: National Self-harm Network: For those who self-harm or for those supporting them. The network offers information (and debunks myths) about self-harm and lists organisations which provide support. Website: Bristol Crisis Service for Women: This service is for women in emotional distress, particularly those who injure themselves. The service provides a range of booklets on topics such as self-help for self-injury. Although Bristol-based, it serves the whole of the UK, and can refer to local services if needed. Address: PO Box 654, Bristol, BS99 1XH. Helpline: 0117 9251119, Friday and Saturday 9pm -12:30am; Sunday 6pm 9pm. Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC): Helpline will take calls from women nationwide, and refers to local services if appropriate. Also offers face-to-face counselling and group counselling for women in Croyden who have been raped or sexually abused. P.O.Box 383, Croydon, CR9 2AW. Helpline: 0845 122 1331, weekdays 12 noon 2:30pm and 7:00pm -9:30pm; weekends and bank holidays 2:30pm 5pm. Minicom: 020 8239 1124. Email: [emailprotected] Website: Young Minds Parents information service: Provides help for parents concerned about a young persons mental health. Has a variety of leaflets and booklets, including one which explores how divorce and separation affect children and young people. Phone: 0800 018 2138, Monday Friday 10am 1pm; Tuesday and Thursday 1pm 4pm; Wednesday 1pm 4pm and 6pm 8pm. Website: Counselling services for women British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy: This is the professional body for general counselling services, and can give you names of qualified and BACP-accredited counsellors in your area. The website includes a note on Finding the right therapist, as well as a directory of therapists throughout the UK. Phone: 0870 443 5252. Email: [emailprotected] Website: Womankind Helpline: Offers face-to-face counselling and support groups for women in the Bristol and South Gloucestershire areas. Phone: 0845 458 2914, Monday Friday 10am 12 noon; Tuesday and Wednesday 1pm 3pm; Monday and Tuesday 8pm 10pm. Answerphone at other times. Website: The Maya Centre for women living with violence: Services are provided free for women on benefits or low incomes who have not had the opportunity to use other counselling services and have not had the benefit of degree-level education. Phone 020 7281 2728. Address: Unit 11, City North Trading Estate, Fonthill Road, London N4 3HN. Email: [emailprotected] Womens Therapy Centre: For psychotherapy by women, in the London area. Phone: 020 7263 6200. Address: 10 Manor Gardens, London N7 6JS. Email: [emailprotected] Website: Womans Trust: Provides free one-to-one counselling and weekly support groups for women who have been abused. It also offers an advocacy service, currently for abused women in the Westminster, Kensington, Chelsea and Greenwich  areas, which is also free of charge. Emergency 24 hour help phone: 0774 708 0964. Office phone: 020 7 0340 304. Address:  Lighthouse West London, 111-117 Lancaster Road, London, W11 1QT.  

Sunday, October 13, 2019

James Fenimore Coopers The Last of the Mohicans Essay -- Last Mohican

James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans The French and Indian War of the eighteenth century had uniquely complex qualities, matched by the gravity of its outcome. The myriad of cultures involved the French, Canadian, American, English, Algonquians, and Iroquois whom make this era fascinating. The multi-ethnic element made it a war built upon fragile alliances, often undermined by factional disputes and shifting fortunes. Violent as it was, its battlefields encompassed some of the most beautiful country to be found anywhere. Its richness in diverse cultures, the severity of its bloody violence, and the beauty of its landscape, all combine to make this an era with great depth of interest. It is entertaining and educational to witness a re-enactment event of a historical film and novel called The Last of the Mohicans. In the wake of the 1992 debates about Columbus, the discovery of the Americas, and whether terms such as 'holocaust', 'genocide', and 'racism' should be applied to what happened to Native Americans, Michael Mann's film remake of James Fenimore Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans continues a process of historical erasure or forgetting that Cooper and his contemporaries began. The sentimental racism expressed in Cooper's novel involves the ideas of the auto-genocide of 'savagery' and the inevitable extinction of all Native Americans. Though Mann purported to take great pains in his film to be historically accurate, the film is only accurate in relation to trivial details. It thoroughly scrambles major aspects of Cooper's text, including converting the ageing Natty Bumppo into a young sex symbol (Daniel Day-Lewis). More importantly, the film completely erases Cooper's sentimental racism by, for instance, turning Chingachgook rather than his son, Uncas, into the 'last' of his tribe, and th ereby overlooking the motif of the futureless child central to that racism. But in eliminating Cooper's racism, the film in a sense perfects the novel, because the sentimentalism that softened the racism was already a form of erasure or forgetting. Reading the novel, The Last of the Mohicans, I was actually able to appreciate Cooper’s work, as it was interesting and very different from the movie. While it is true that he is long-winded and very shallowly treats character development, I think that the original work does merit its study. I found that ... ...nd political correctness. There are no dialogs to speak of, no historical, anthropological, geographic, political, social, explanations or orientation. So you don’t learn much about world history from their conversations and dialogue. What you do grasp about the history of this period is by soaking in the environment, traditions, rules, surroundings, behaviors, clothing, and styles of living. The movie and novel of The Last of the Mohicans are both great representations of the French and Indian War as they are attempts to resurrect and redefine the American hero. There was an emphasis on the concept that no man has dominion over another. The novel and film both have strong and weak parts that help us understand and to learn the styles and ways of this time period. They are both great tools for learning about modern world history in their own ways about war and tragedy. The Last of the Mohicans is a bold and stirring story that will always be very memorable adventure years to come. Bibliography The Last of the Mohicans. Produced by Michael Mann. 1 hour 54 minutes. 1992. Cooper, James Fenimore. The Last of the Mohicans. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1983.